Posts tagged ‘Pregnancy’

Vitamin A and Pregnancy

The acceptable dosage of Vitamin A during pregnancy can be confusing to figure out. Vitamin A comes in two main forms: preformed (retinoid form) and beta-carotene (which converts to the retinol form within the body). Preformed Vitamin A is found in meats and fortified foods. Beta-carotene is found in fruits and vegetables. Multivitamins (including prenatal vitamins) may contain either form of Vitamin A.

Too much of the preformed Vitamin A can lead to birth defects and liver toxicity. This risk is highest during the first few weeks of pregnancy. You may consume as much beta-carotene as you wish at any stage of pregnancy. Beta-carotene only converts to the retinol form of Vitamin A when needed. Because of this built-in limiting mechanism, you cannot overdose on beta-carotene.

When looking for a prenatal vitamin, check both the source and amounts of Vitamin A to ensure that you do not exceed the recommended limitations (10,000 IU) during pregnancy. You must also keep in mind the amount of Vitamin A that you receive through your diet.  Promise Prenatal vitamins Stage 1 contain no Vitamin A for the pre-conception period through the first trimester. Stages 2 and 3 contain Vitamin A in the beta-carotene form to help nurture the baby’s growth and maintain the mother’s health.

Vitamin A helps maintain eye health and fight off infections and helps your body rebuild and recover after pregnancy. Your baby benefits from Vitamin A through cell growth, eye and health development, fat metabolism and bone growth.

May 19, 2008 at 11:49 am 10 comments

Ectopic Pregnancy Information

An ectopic pregnancy (also called tubal pregnancy) is one that occurs outside of the uterus. An egg can be implanted in the fallopian tubes, cervix, ovaries, or abdomen. Ectopic literally means “out-of-place.” Approximately 1.5% of all pregnancies are ectopic.


An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the egg does not make it down the fallopian tube correctly. This can happen as a result of tube inflammation. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is a leading cause of blocked fallopian tubes. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can result in PID. Endometriosis is another cause of ectopic pregnancies. Cells from the uterus implant and grow in other areas of the body as a result of endometriosis.


Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy include sharp abdominal pains, vaginal bleeding or spotting, low blood pressure, and problems with or pain while using the bathroom. Diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy requires a positive pregnancy test accompanied by other criteria including low levels of hCG or an ultrasound.


About half of ectopic pregnancies resolve themselves with non-induced abortion. Intervention is usually required for the other half. If detected early enough, a non-invasive, non-surgical option exists. Methotrexate can be administered to the patient to disrupt the growth of the embryo and end the pregnancy. If the condition is diagnosed later in the term, laparoscopic surgery may be required. Sometimes, an untreated tubal pregnancy can result in a rupture that leads to shock. Ruptured ectopic pregnancies account for 10-15% of maternal deaths.


It is important to see your doctor when you think you have become pregnant. Close monitoring of any pregnancy is always advised to reduce the risk of serious health issues and treat any complications that may arise. A healthy diet and proper prenatal nutrient intake should be a part of every pregnancy.




American Pregnancy

Mayo Clinic

May 16, 2008 at 9:01 am 7 comments

New Pre-eclampsia Study

Pre-eclampsia is a condition that affects about 5-10% of pregnant women. Exhibited symptoms of the condition include high blood pressure and high levels of protein in urine. The condition typically occurs after week 32. Early onset pre-eclampsia can begin at week 20. Hypertension is the main complication of pre-eclampsia.

The only way to treat preeclampsia is through delivery of the baby. If you are far enough along in your term, it is not uncommon for your doctor to induce labor. Women who are diagnosed earlier in their pregnancy may be requird to submit to bed rest or take medication to reduce their blood pressure.

Swelling, headaches, blurred vision, and sudden weight gain are symptoms of the condition. It is important to maintain regular prenatal care throughout your pregnancy and be aware of any symptoms you may be exhibiting. Talk with your doctor if you feel you may be at risk for preeclampsia.

A new study conducted in mice found that when a certain gene malfunctioned, the chance of preeclampsia was greatly increased. You can read about the finding at the Washington Post.

May 14, 2008 at 12:45 pm 1 comment

Prescription Prenatal Vitamins

When it comes to vitamins, we often think that prescription vitamins are superior to OTC simply because your doctor prescribed them. The truth is that just because they are prescription does not mean that they are better. No vitamin is FDA approved because vitamins are categorized as “medical food” by the FDA. There are, however, United States Pharmacopoeia standards for prescription vitamins. This means that they must meet certain quality and content standards to become prescription vitamins. However, a study of prescription prenatal vitamins conducted by the University of Maryland at Baltimore, School of Pharmacy, only 3 out of 9 prescription prenatal vitamins were found to release the amount of folic acid that they claimed to contain. If your prescription prenatal vitamin doesn’t give you all the folic acid you need (folic acid is a vital nutrient for pregnancy), then how can you trust it to provide the other nutrients it promises?

The main difference in prescription and OTC prenatal vitamins is the amount of folic acid. Most OTC vitamins have 400 mcg of folic acid, while prescriptions have 1,000 mcg. The recommended dose of folic acid for pregnancy is 400 mcg. Prescription prenatals simply provide more than enough folic acid (assuming that it actually releases as much as it claims). Iron is the other ingredient that differs with OTC vs. prescription prenatal vitamins. Most prescription prenatals contain a high dose of iron, which is often hard on a woman’s stomach. Some OTC prenatals contain no iron as a way to reduce nausea related to the supplement. Iron is important, but a woman can reduce her iron intake during the first trimester to alleviate nausea and morning sickness.

Promise Prenatal vitamins are not prescription vitamins, yet they are manufactured to the same high standards (USP) as prescription vitamins. There are three formulas: before pregnancy through the first trimester; second and third trimesters; and after pregnancy/breastfeeding. The formulas are designed to accommodate the nutritional needs of women at each stage. Stage one contains less iron to reduce nausea. The iron is a micro-encapsulated form of ferrous fumarate which slows the absorption and reduces nausea.

Prenatal vitamins should contain a low amount of Vitamin A (which can cause birth defects if too much is consumed during the first trimester). Calcium is an essential nutrient for pregnancy, but no prenatal will contain the entire recommended daily intake. You should talk with your doctor to see if you are getting enough calcium from your diet.

May 12, 2008 at 10:01 am 1 comment

Creative ways to say “I’m Pregnant”

Creative ways to tell your partner that you’re pregnant:

  • Make a meal of baby corn, baby carrots, baby back ribs, a salad of baby greens, etc. and see if he understands the hint. If not, ask him what the common theme of the meal is and if he sees any significance.
  • Use a photo editing program like (free with registration online) to morph your face and your partner’s. Give him the photo and label it as “Our future-due in 9 months”
  • Wrap up a baby name book and give it to your partner saying that you bought him a great book about his future.
  • If you have a dog that runs to greet people who come to the door, tie a note around the dog’s collar saying “Jenny’s pregnant” for your partner to find.

Creative ways to tell you family/friends that you’re pregnant:

  • Mail birth announcements with your due date and a question mark for the name, sex, and weight.
  • Give them a framed photo of your ultrasound.
  • Have your older child wear a shirt that says “I’m going to be a big sister(or brother)”
  • Gather everyone for an impromptu family photo. Have your partner take the photo and say “Ok everyone, say Lucy’s pregnant!” instead of “cheese.” You’ll get a great photo of everyone’s reaction.
  • Invite everyone over for a dinner and when your guests come to the door, answer it with a pillow stuffed under your shirt to look pregnant. It is best if you can do it with a straight face. When they ask what’s going on, just tell them you’re practicing for what’s coming up in the next few months.
  • Before your partner gets home from work, decorate the living room with balloons and streamers and a sign that says “Welcome home DADDY!”
  • And of course, a picture can say a thousand words. Try this one on for size:

Many women wait until the end of their first trimester to tell friends and family (other than their partner) that they are pregnant. The chance of miscarriage is highest during the first trimester and it would be quite disappointing to tell everyone you’re pregnant and then have to tell them that you miscarried. Once you find out that you are pregnant you should start taking a prenatal vitamin if you haven’t already.

May 9, 2008 at 9:51 am 9 comments

Fiber May Prevent Gestational Diabetes

Fiber is known for its ability to help people stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight but it can also help women to reduce their chances of gestational diabetes.

A study of 13,000 female nurses was conducted over a period of eight years. Each of the women gave birth to at least one child in the eight year period. 785 of these women had gestational diabetes. The study found that the women with the highest fiber intake pre-pregnancy also had the lowest occurance of gestational diabetes. In face, every 10 grams of total daily fiber intake reduced the risk of gestational diabetes by 26%.

The women mostly obtained their fiber through cereals and fruit, but it also came from whole grains and vegetables. It is unknown how fiber prevents gestational diabetes.

Women who are planning on becoming pregnant should follow a healthy diet and begin taking a prenatal vitamin to assure proper nutritional intake.

Sources: NBC5i health news

American Diabetes Association

May 7, 2008 at 12:05 pm 5 comments

The Basics of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is the most natural and powerful way to nurture, feed and bond with your infant.However, many people do not understand that breastfeeding is hard work!It takes time, effort, concentration and above all, patience.Your baby has to learn to breastfeed – she has the instinct to suck, but does not know yet that a nipple produces food or how to get it out.Check to see if the hospital that you will be delivering has a lactation center that offers breastfeeding classes.Your first time breastfeeding your new baby will be at the hospital too, so a lactation consultant can come in very handy.

The first thing you need to know about breastfeeding is that the first milk produced by your body is not really milk at all – it’s a thicker, concentrated substance called colostrum.The operative word here is concentrated– it does not come in large amounts.A new baby will want to suck all the time and your breasts will be producing very little in the beginning – a new mother can easily have feelings of frustration and inadequacy if she feels that she is not making enough milk for her baby.It is important to let your baby breastfeed as long and as often as she needs at first.This will help establish your milk supply but unfortunately, in solving one problem you have unwittingly created another one.

Your nipples are most likely going to become sore and sometimes can be very dry and cracked, resulting in excruciating pain during breastfeeding.If pain becomes too severe, you may need to see your doctor because there could be an underlying medical cause for the pain.There are several things you can do to alleviate sore nipples, such as using lanolin or ice packs to help soothe the sensitive, and sometimes raw, skin.As tempting as it may be to substitute a breast feeding for a bottle (even just once), it is important that you continue to only breastfeed if at all possible for two reasons – a baby can become “nipple confused” because it is easier to get milk from a bottle than it is a human nipple and you will be left quite literally high and dry because she will prefer to take the bottle over your breasts.Without help, breastfeeding can become a frustrating and painful cycle that usually does not have a happy ending.If you find yourself struggling with breastfeeding, there are people who can help – just don’t be afraid to ask!

The number of women who breastfeed has risen over the past few years. Increased education about the benefits of breastfeeding, including boosted immunity and lower chances of obesity in later years may have contributed to this rising trend. Women can boost their breast milk by taking a prenatal vitamin and DHA supplement while nursing. You can read more about the increase in mothers who breastfeed in this article.

May 5, 2008 at 11:36 am 1 comment

Creating a Birth Plan

What is a birth plan?

A birth plan is like a road map of where to go and what to do during labor and delivery. A birth plan is an easy way to let your doctor or nurse know your wishes about complications and issues that may arise. The plan will cover topics including pain medication, cesarean section, episiotomies, labor monitoring, and breastfeeding, to name a few.

Why create a birth plan?

It is not always easy to remember, or be able to communicate, your wishes while in labor. And usually, your husband will have difficulty remembering exactly what it was you wanted. By creating a birth plan before you go to the hospital, you are ensuring that if at all possible, your wishes will be met regarding your labor and delivery.

Who needs a copy?

You should make copies of your birth plan and give them to anyone who might be a part of your delivery process. One copy should be packed in your hospital bag, one should be given to your delivery partner (such as your husband or doula), one copy to your obstetrician for your file, and one to give to the hospital upon admittance.

What does it cover?


Where can I go to create a birth plan?

May 2, 2008 at 1:31 pm Leave a comment

Diabetes During Pregnancy

Many pregnant women and mothers are familiar with gestational diabetes. This temporary form of diabetes, usually lasting from pregnancy month 5 or 6 through delivery, affects roughly 4% of all women. Complications for the baby such as high birth weight, jaundice, and low blood sugar levels may result from gestational diabetes. The rate of gestational diabetes has remained steady in the last few years. Pre-pregnancy diabetes rates, however, are on the rise.

Women who have pre-existing type 1 or 2 diabetes when they conceive face a different set of complications for pregnancy than do those who develop gestational diabetes. Women who have diabetes during the first few weeks of pregnancy face greater chances of miscarriage. Diabetes also increases the risk of stillbirth, birth defects, and high birth weight.

From the Washington Post:

A study published in the May, 2008 issue of Diabetes Care included 175,249 women who gave birth from 1999 to 2005 in southern California. In 1999, the rate of preexisting diabetes was 0.81 per 100 births; by 2005, that number had jumped to 1.82 per 100 births. In 1999, of all pregnancies affected by diabetes, 10 percent were due to preexisting diabetes, while 90 percent were due to gestational diabetes. In 2005, 21 percent of women had preexisting diabetes, compared to 79 percent with gestational diabetes, according to the study.

The researchers also noted some differences in race and age. Black, Hispanic and Asian/Pacific women were more likely to have diabetes before birth, and teens and women over 40 experienced dramatic jumps in their pre-pregnancy diabetes rates. Teen mothers saw a fivefold increase in preexisting diabetes, while mothers over 40 saw a 40 increase in the rate of pre-pregnancy diabetes.

Experts blame much of the increase on the rising trend of overweight and obesity.

“We saw an increase in type 2 diabetes. That’s due to the increase in overweight and obesity. Also, type 2 is being diagnosed at younger ages,” said Lawrence, who suggested that women do whatever they can to reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes by eating a healthful diet, maintaining a proper weight and being active. She said there’s no known way to prevent type 1 diabetes.

Dr. Stuart Weiss, an endocrinologist at the New York University Langone Medical Center, said he “was surprised that the incidence of gestational diabetes wasn’t up.”

For women who know they have diabetes before pregnancy, Weiss advised: “Control your blood glucose levels as aggressively as possible. Control isn’t easy to do, because you have to have adequate nutrition and still control your blood sugar.”

But, he added, it’s crucial to try, because it may help prevent some of the serious complications associated with diabetes.


Women who are concerned about their health during pregnancy should consider taking a prenatal vitamin. Vitamins before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after pregnancy can keep a woman in optimal health. Prenatal DHA (omega 3) is also a good idea to keep your body and baby healthy.

April 30, 2008 at 12:43 pm 5 comments

Vitamin B6 during pregnancy

Women who experience morning sickness during pregnancy often find relief in taking a B6 supplement. No one knows for sure why this works, but the supplementation of B6 has stood the test of time for effectiveness at treating pregnancy-related nausea. Doctors first started prescribing B6 as a morning sickness remedy in the 1940s. Numerous studies since then have shown that taking a higher dose of B6 does have a lessening effect on nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

In a 1991 trial of 59 women B6 proved to be effective at reducing symptoms of morning sickness. Thirty-one patients received a 25 mg dose of B6 every eight hours for a total of three days. The other 28 patients received a placebo on the same schedule. Before the trial 15 of the 31 patients who received the B6 treatment suffered from nausea and vomiting. After the three day trial, only 8 patients still vomited. Of the 28 on the placebo 10 vomited as a result of morning sickness. After three days on the placebo, 15 had vomiting as a symptom of their morning sickness. [source]

A study performed in China also proved that higher levels of B6 can increase the chance on conception and lower the risk of early term miscarriage. The results were published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

The study found that women with B6 levels above 30 nanomoles per liter had a 40% greater chance of conception and lowered their early miscarriage rate by 30%. Women with lower levels of B6 were negatively impacted by their deficiency. Alayne Ronnenberg, author of the study explains

“We found that poor preconception vitamin B6 status was associated with increased risk of early pregnancy loss and reduced probabilities of conception and clinical pregnancy in a prospective cohort of young Chinese women.”

These two studies confirm the ideas that taking a B6 supplement during pregnancy can reduce morning sickness and its symptoms, and taking B6 before conception can improve both the chance of conception and the health of the pregnancy. Many prenatal vitamins contain B6. Look for a vitamin that contains a high dose of B6. Promise Prenatal vitamins contain 19 mg of B6, an ideal level for both women in the preconception stage and women who are pregnant.


Better B6 Status Linked to Better Pregnancy Outcomes

Vitamin B6 is effective therapy for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study

Promise Prenatal Vitamins with B6

April 25, 2008 at 11:59 am 15 comments

Gabrielle Reece – Fit and Healthy Prenatal Workouts

Volleyball star at fit new mom Gabrielle Reece has created a workout DVD for moms-to-be from their first to sixth month of pregnancy. The DVD is broken up month-by-month. Each month contains a warm-up, 15 minute workout, and a cool-down. Gabby’s trainer Mike Monroe instructs the positions and Reece demonstrates. This sometimes leads to confusion between the two about how to execute moves.

The workouts call for a floor mat, stability ball, and hand weights. You can omit these items if you choose. For customer reviews, or to buy, visit

Prenatal workouts, a healthy diet and prenatal vitamins are a great way to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy. It is best to talk with your doctor before beginning a workout routine, especially during pregnancy.

April 24, 2008 at 11:13 am Leave a comment

Losing Weight After Pregnancy

During pregnancy, most women gain 25-35 pounds. After giving birth you will naturally lose some of the weight (the weight of the baby and placenta for sure). Many women expect to lose the remaining weight quickly, within 6 weeks, but this is not the norm. By watching celebrity moms we begin to think that we will be back in our pre-pregnancy jeans in no time. The truth is it isn’t natural, or healthy, to lose the weight that quickly.

Women who breastfeed tend to hold on to an extra 10 or so pounds while breastfeeding. The strain put on your body by nourishing another person requires extra calories.  It is recommended that women wait 6 weeks after giving birth to resume a workout routine. Women who had a c-section may need to wait longer. Eating a healthy diet after pregnancy will help to shed those extra pounds without much effort. It is also important to eat healthy foods because your body requires a healthy balance of nutrients to recover from pregnancy. You should continue to take your prenatal vitamin after delivery and during breastfeeding to provide your body with the extra nutrients it requires.

Listen to your body and don’t deny your cravings. Your body knows what nutrients it needs. Talk with your doctor about exercise to be sure that your body is ready. Start slowly with walking or swimming. As your body adjusts to the increased activity you can begin to add in weights or start running.

For more information on post-pregnancy weight loss visit these sources:

The joy of motherhood goes hand-in-hand with the battle to lose those pesky pregnancy pounds

Losing Weight After Pregnancy

Top 10 Ways to Lose Pregnancy Weight

April 23, 2008 at 10:15 am Leave a comment

Prenatal Yoga Benefits

Yoga is known as a calming exercise that connects mind, body, and spirit. During pregnancy, yoga offers many new benefits to the expectant mother. Practicing yoga is a great way to maintain your health and stay connected with your changing body.

Back pain is a common complaint from pregnant women. Yoga focuses on body alignment. By learning to control your body and posture, you can decrease back pain. Certain poses can help to stretch and strengthen back muscles, which also helps to alleviate back pain.

By practicing yoga, you can teach your body to handle pain and muscles differently. When you teach your body to relax rather than tense up, you can relieve some of the pain associated with labor and delivery.

Breathing techniques taught in yoga classes can prove beneficial during labor when breathing relaxes the body and soothes the mother’s pain. When you regularly attend yoga classes, you learn that although your body is changing, you do still have control. This knowledge can remove some of the fear and anxiety related to pregnancy and childbirth.

To find a yoga center near you that specializes in prenatal yoga, please visit Yoga Centers USA.

April 22, 2008 at 12:36 pm Leave a comment

Pregnancy Weight Gain

We’ve all heard the “But I’m eating for two” excuse, and maybe some of us have even used it. It is true, and it’s important to eat enough food. The key is eating the right kinds of foods and not overdoing it.

How much weight should I gain?

This answer is different for everyone. The following guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists can help you decide how much is right for your body:

Pre-pregnancy weight

Recommended weight gain

(in pounds)


28 – 40

Normal weight

25 – 37


15 – 25

You will generally gain between 2 and 5 pounds in the first trimester and one pound per week during trimesters two and three. If you are pregnant with twins, expect to gain 35-45 pounds total—about 1 ½ pounds per week during the last two trimesters.

Gaining too much weight can result in gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and early delivery. Not gaining enough weight leads to pre-term delivery and low birth weight.

A recent article in the Washington Post states that

Every one or two point increase in a woman’s BMI between pregnancies translated to an increased risk of gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and delivering a large baby by 20 percent to 40 percent. Women who increased their BMI more than three points between pregnancies had a 63 percent increased risk of delivering a stillborn baby.

For this and more information visit the Washington Post Article.

Other Resources: pregnancy dha, ACOG, American Pregnancy Association.

April 21, 2008 at 11:15 am 2 comments

Common Pregnancy Myths

  • Putting your arms above your head will tangle you baby’s umbilical cord.

When the mother moves, there is no change in the position of the umbilical cord. If a baby is
in the head down position it is natural for the umbilical cord to lay across his neck.

  • Spicy food will induce labor.

Spicy food does not induce labor. The only thing it might cause is heartburn. You should, however, avoid certain foods. Unpasteurized cheeses (brie, camembert, etc.) can contain a bacteria called lysteria which can be harmful during pregnancy.

  • Sex will induce labor.

There is no proof that sex will cause a woman to go into labor. There is also no reason that a pregnant woman shouldn’t have sex. It is perfectly safe for both mom and baby, unless otherwise stated by your doctor.

  • You can tell if you’re having a boy or girl based on the fetal heart rate.
  • The way you carry your baby will show if you’re having a boy or a girl.

The only accurate way to know the gender of your baby is through an ultrasound.

  • You can’t get pregnant if you are breastfeeding.

Your chances of becoming pregnant during the first 6 month of breastfeeding are low, but they do still exist. Once you have resumed your menstrual cycle, your chances of conceiving increase. Please do not rely on breastfeeding as a means of birth control. You may face another pregnancy before you’re fully recovered from the first one.

Pregnancy is a special time that come with concerns for your health and the health of your baby. It is best to take precautions when you are unsure about something. It is also a good idea to talk to your doctor and ask as many questions as you can. As always, taking a pregnancy vitamin (prenatal vitamin) is a great way to ensure that you and your baby are receiving the right nutrients.

April 18, 2008 at 10:00 am Leave a comment

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